NeXT EVENT ✨ GrInD WitH Me ✨ mArcH 29
- Playful Parties
- Second Base Parties
- …
- Playful Parties
- Second Base Parties

NeXT EVENT ✨ GrInD WitH Me ✨ mArcH 29
- Playful Parties
- Second Base Parties
- …
- Playful Parties
- Second Base Parties

Agreements for Second Base Parties
Second Base Parties are sensual/non-sexual "light petting" parties, with great dancing, flirting and kissing. They can be most enjoyed when you know the rules, which we call "agreements". Why do we do this? We find that by making sure everyone agrees to co-create the event in the same ways, we end up with an event that is sexier, hotter, more fun and more safe for everyone!
Please take a moment to review the agreements here and make sure you're a big fat yes to all them. Your signature will be required when you order tickets or enter the event!
Ready? Repeat after us...
"I Agree to..."
1. Come Dressed Sexy!
Sexy, seductive, and alluring….any piece of clothing in your closet or in your ability to imagine that makes you feel confident, sensual, and aroused. We reserve the right to turn you away if you are not dressed up. For your costume to qualify, it has to be amazing enough that it would attract attention if you wore it on the street. And of course, awesome shoes are always great. Jeans/T-shirts/Jackets/Sneakers will NOT be allowed at the event (please email us clubexotica@gmail.com with questions)
Click here for more details on what to wear!
2. Connect Well with Others!
This means connecting with people I don't know or people I am not usually attracted to. This means getting to know people, their boundaries, their attractions, their desires, and finding ways to give them the experience they want.
3. NOT Take Photos!
Photos are not allowed at our event. We may have professional photographers who will be taking photos of people with the express permission of the guests. Later on, they will post them on a secret site for all them to see.
4. Manage My Level of Intoxication!
This means I won't get too intoxicated in any way, or else I may not be invited for later events.
5. Be Respectful and Generous with My Touch!
Respect is required for ALL touch (as well as ALL interactions). This means connecting with people before touching and responding clearly (with a “yes”, “no”, “yes, but...”, “no, but...”) to any touch offered. Also, explicit consent is required for all touch involving genitals and nipples
6. Be a Yes to What Works for Me!
This means I can say Yes or No whenever I like. This also means being ok with anyone saying Yes or No in response to any invitations you may make. This means making agreements and/or checking in with my lover(s)/partner(s)/date(s) before and during the event. This also means facilitating what is most appropriate at any given time for me and others so they have a great time. This means being a YES to what works for me, and a YES to what works for others. This means playing well with others. This means showing up at the event and intending to engage with other!
7. Exercise My Right to Say No (Politely)!
This means saying "no" in a way that is open and generous, and allows for another possible offering. For example, if someone offers a massage, I can say, “No, but you can feed me a chocolate!” The point is to create a fun/playful interaction that works for everyone. This also means getting involved with conscious, deliberate and clear intentions. If I are not sure, it's okay for me to sit back and wait. Or, if I am already involved with someone, this means calling things off clearly and respectfully if it's time for me to stop.
8. Contribute!
Our events are co-created pieces of temporary social art. This means that I bring the things I want and need to the events, so I feel great! It also means that I share them with others so they experience how great they are, too! These can be anything from massage hands, to chocolates, to soft furs, to games, to a great costume, or anything other gifts or ideas for interacting with people, allowing me to connect with them even more easily.
9. Keep it Second Base!
A Second Base party is a sensual/non-sexual party where sensual play is ok. For our events, we generally define "Second Base" as touching, kissing and caressing above the waist. And, just because we think it's fun (and we have lots of friends who are experts), we also allow spanking. (This mean ABSOLUTELY NO SEX, people! If we catch you "in the act", there's a great chance we might not let you come to our party again. We want this to be a sexy dance party, not a den of debauchery ;))
10. Ask for Feedback!
I will offer care/consideration towards others I engaged with at the event, and also welcome feedback. This is a two way engagement where feedback about what happened is both offered and requested. "Would you be willing to share together about our engagement?", "What went well in our engagement(s)?", "What didn't go so well?", "What could I/we do (even) better/different (looking back or next time)?". This is how we learn to do better with each other using a learning, care and growth mindset.
11. Engage in Repair if Needed
If something happens at our event didn't feel good, comfortable, or right (to myself or someone else), I will at least be willing to find a way to support a movement towards a clearing and repair process, and get support if needed. If nothing else, I will let the producers or CARE team know so that they can offer support to anyone who needs it.
12. Collaborate!
If I don’t follow these agreements willingly and well enough, I may not be invited again to future Club Exotica, or events by Philippe or Jocelyn. It's in my best interest and the best interest of everyone to support everyone following the spirit (and letter, whenever possible) of these agreements.
About the Agreements
The agreements are the structure that allows everyone to play as safely as possible on the "playground" that each of these event creates. Playing on the playground is, however, not inherently safe. By coming to this event you acknowledge that you have fully read the agreements anove and that you understand how they work and what they mean and the risks that come with playing with others on this playground (feel free to message Philippe via WhatsApp +14155050786 with any questions).
These events are neither high risk nor low risk. If you are “risk-averse”, this is likely not the right event for you. But if you are somewhat risk tolerant, you’ll find that this space is a great place to play, experiment, and explore.
By coming to this event, you acknowledge that you enter a space where honest accidents and mistakes will be made occasionally, and agree to be willing to offer constructive compassionate feedback to the people you engaged with during the event for the purpose of learning in community with them. If for any reason you feel hurt or harmed by someone's actions, you also agree to at least be willing to let us know and explore a repair and apology process with a neutral third party. But before this happens, we will be happy to receive and validate your experience and offer you a space of care and consideration.